Talk Family tree in Spoken Chinese

Chinese Family Tree

For many Chinese language learners, family titles in Chinese are for sure a pain in the neck. It might rack your brain just trying to say “uncle” or “cousin” right. In Chinese, they give each family member a title. From your mother’s side to your father’s side, to each generation, and gender…etc. For this reason,[…]

relationship and marriage

Ask About Relationships and Marriage

  Ask About Realationship Research shows that healthy relationships can help you live longer, deal with stress, be healthier, and even feels richer! Moreover, relationships play a really important part in our day to day life. Just think about it, no matter it is between you and your friends, your family, or your other half,[…]

Countries in Chinese

Learn Country Names in Chinese

Country Names in Chinese | TutorMandarin Online Chinese Learning The very first thing you learn when you have your first lesson in any foreign languages is how to introduce yourself. Your name, your country, and your hobbies. Check out how to introduce your name in Chinese here! How to ask about hobbies in Chinese here![…]

blog about how to order food using chinese language

How to Order Food in Chinese

How to order food in Chinese? Food is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. For most Chinese people, socializing around food and mealtimes is very important, because their family life revolves around the dinner table. Besides that, Chinese dishes are famous around the world, which involve a wide range and variety of ingredients, based on the[…]

talking about hobbies

Different Hobbies in Chinese with Your Friends

Talk about hobbies in Chinese? Having a hobby is very important to leading a well-balanced life. Pursuing a hobby can provide us with a refreshing break from the bustling life. Moreover, having some like-minded friends sharing common hobbies with us is awesome! So, how do you like to spend your spare time? Some people also[…]

pick up lines in chinese

Pick Up Lines in Chinese

  How To Flirt With A Chinese Girl / Boy Some people say the appeal of Asian women is undeniable, as most of them get straight black hair, high cheekbones, mysterious eyes, and trim petite bodies. Not to mention, the Chinese girls. Since you’re learning Chinese, you might wanna get a rough idea how to[…]

The Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online

TutorMandarin Launches Android APP on Google Play!

“Mandarin Goes Mobile” w/ new APP, TutorMandarin 1-on-1 online Chinese classes taught by certified Mandarin tutors through a state-of-the-art Android app that features a virtual classroom, full in-app courses, interactive daily content, and more. TutorMandarin is available now on Google Play.    TutorMandarin has officially launched its Android Chinese app today on the Google Play[…]

talking about jobs

Talking about Jobs in Chinese

  how to ask someone’s jobs If you have already started to learn Chinese, you might have noticed, that many Chinese language learning books teach you how to ask “Are you busy?” (你忙吗? – Nǐ máng ma?) even before you are able to introduce yourself. Wondering why? Chinese people are often quite busy. If you[…]

bargaining skills

How to bargain in Chinese + How to haggle in China

How to Bargain in Chinese In China, it is all about “bargaining”! Everything is negotiable! Therefore, besides shopping in supermarkets or malls, you should try to bargain with Chinese vendors in markets. The first price is always too high and especially if a foreigner asks for. Therefore, people should know some basic Chinese phrases to[…]

time in Chinese

Ask About Time

Whether you are making travel arrangements or asking others schedule in Chinese-speaking countries, you have to know how to times,  dates, and more in the Chinese language. Learning how to talk and ask about time can help you organize the itinerary, and avoid you from confusion. So, let’s learn “how to ask about time” as[…]

Greetings friends in Chinese

Learn Chinese Greeting Words – Meeting People in Mandarin

Learn Chinese Greeting Words! Greeting friends in the Chinese language is not as hard as you think. It’s always nice to start a relationship with “greeting”. And you are required to have a basic concept of it in order to ask Chinese locals for help or express your needs. This post is totally what you[…]

how to say family in chinese

Family Members in Chinese

Wanna introduce your family to others in the Chinese language, but no idea where to start from? No worries, in today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about the size of your family, and of course, the members in it. Let’s start! Introducing family members in Chinese Ask About Family 1) A: Nǐ jiā yǒu duōshǎo[…]