Taiwan Typhoon Alert

Presidential Alert 1-on-1 online Chinese lessons

Presidential Alert 1-on-1 online Chinese lessons


Have you ever receive a Taiwan typhoon alert before?

Just got an alert on your phone in traditional Chinese characters and don’t know what it means? No worries, we’ve got you covered. See below for the translation and background of the emergency alert system. Check out here for our post about emergency contact numbers in China, Taiwan, HongKong, and Macau. Got more questions about Chinese culture or Chinese language learning? Don’t forget to sign up and get a free trial with our professional tutor who will help you learn Chinese online!

Translating Taiwan Emergency Alert Notifications


If you live in Taiwan you’ve probably received a “Presidential Alert” in traditional characters with a unique notification sound before. This is part of an alert system launched by the National Communications Commission to help the public be aware of seismic information as quickly as possible so that they can take necessary defensive and evacuation measures.

Since May of 2016, notifications are automatically sent to 4G mobile phone users living in Taiwan in areas with greater earthquake intensity. With the intention of, if the quake measures 5 or above on the Richter Scale, citizens would have the first-hand notification. Also, the alert covers a handful information of typhoons, heavy rain, mudslides, road and bridge closures and other disasters. 

“Users can inquire with their mobile phone providers to see if their phones are eligible to receive the alerts”, the Executive Yuan said.


Presidential Alert Translations

EarthQuake Alert

Earthquake 1-on-1 online chinese lessons

Earthquake 1-on-1 online chinese lessons

[Earthquake Alert] 11/25 05:55 In Taiwan’s Eastern sea area, a 5.5-degree earthquake has just occurred, please refer to the weather station website for more information. The Weather Bureau.

[地震報告] 11/25 05:55台灣東部海域發生規模5.5有感地震,詳細資訊請參考氣象局網站,氣象局。

[Dìzhèn bàogào] 11/25 05:55 Táiwān dōngbù hǎiyù fāshēng guīmó 5.5 Yǒu gǎn dìzhèn, xiángxì zīxùn qǐng cānkǎo qìxiàng jú wǎngzhàn, qìxiàng jú


Heavy Rain Alert

Rain Alert 1-on-1 online chinese Lessons

Rain Alert 1-on-1 online chinese Lessons

Your area is about to be struck by thunderstorms. Storms are expected to continue until 6/2 13:15; Please beware of severe rainfall, lightning, winds (wind force 9 and above), rising streams and rivers, landslides, falling rocks, and flooding in areas with low elevation. Taipei City Meteorological Bureau.

您所在地區即將發生大雷雨,預計持續至6/2 13:15;請慎防劇烈降雨、雷擊、9級以上強陣風,溪(河)水暴漲、坍方、落石、土石流、低窪地區慎防淹水 台北市氣象局

Nín suǒzài dìqū jíjiāng fāshēng dà léiyǔ, yùjì chíxù zhì 6/2 13:15; Qǐng shèn fáng jùliè jiàngyǔ, léijí,9 jí yǐshàng qiáng zhènfēng, xī (hé) shuǐ bàozhǎng, tānfāng, luòshí, tǔshíliú, dīwā dìqū shèn fáng yān shuǐ táiběi shì qìxiàng jú

Remember to check out the latest typhoon news and be aware of your own safety! If you want to learn Chinese language come sign up our free trial to learn Mandarin. And download the Chinese App for more Chinese language materials and to learn Mandarin online.

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