30 Basic Chinese Words For Beginners

30 Basic Chinese Words For Beginners Traveling to China soon? Starting to thinking about learning Chinese? Just want to know a bit of Mandarin to impress your friends and family? Today we’re going to teach the most useful, more practical Chinese words and phrases to get started with! Even if you know zero Chinese, this[…]

Basic Chinese words and pronunciation

Basic Chinese words and pronunciation Here is a list of basic Chinese word and pronunciation. This is one of the best ways to start learning Chinese. Learn the first 100, 250, or 500 most important words and start applying them with practical sentences and more! The most important note to remember, though, is to make[…]

1000 most common chinese vocabulary

1000 Most Common Chinese Words

1000 Most Common Chinese Here’s the full list of the top 1000 most common Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences are[…]