free chinese vocabulary list

A level Chinese vocabulary list

  A level Chinese vocabulary list Ready to learn A LOT of Chinese vocabulary? A large part of learning a new language is just learning the new vocabulary. Chinese vocabulary is no exception. Once you get your pronunciation and tones straightened out, then you’re left with vocabulary and grammar left to do. Today, we’ll give[…]

Chinese 1 Vocab List

Chinese 1 Vocab List Every new language requires learning a lot of new vocabulary from scratch. Chinese is no exception. You are ready to learn Mandarin vocabulary as soon as you know the basic of Chinese — namely, “Pinyin.” Pinyin teaches you how to pronounce each sound in Chinese using the English alphabet. On top[…]

250 Most Important Chinese Words

250 Most Important Chinese Words Here’s the full list of the top 250 most “important” Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences[…]