fun ways to teach kids chinese

5 Fun Ways for Kids to Learn Chinese

  5 Fun Ways for Kids to Learn Chinese Chinese has been referred to as the language of opportunity and it definitely holds true in 2018. Teaching your children Chinese is an amazing way to prepare them for the world of tomorrow while gaining all the benefits of knowing a second language. But if you’re already[…]

why should your child learn chiense

5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Learn Chinese

5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Be Learning Chinese In today’s world, Chinese is one of the hottest languages to learn. However, most people incorrectly assume that it’s a hard language to learn. It just isn’t true! If done right, Chinese can be one of the easiest languages to learn. And once they do learn[…]

Should we be teaching blockchain in school

[Guest Post] Education and the Blockchain

Education and the Blockchain – Should We be Teaching Blockchain in Schools? It goes without saying that tech progress is moving at a rapid pace. Futurists point to Moore’s law – the idea that tech capabilities double every two years – as evidence for tech’s expansion into nearly every facet of our lives. Teaching Technology[…]