tutormandarin technical problems

TutorMandarin Virtual Classroom FAQ

TutorMandarin Virtual Classroom FAQ Can’t see the tutor’s video Tutor side: Check if the camera works properly Check for an issues with thislink: http://api.duobeiyun.com/ittest/content.html?result=CALLBACK_URL&lang=en&uid=123456&KEY=VALUE Check if there is any other program using the camera Check if the camera works successfully in other software (skype, qq, etc) Student side: Check if the network connection with the[…]

e-learning in 2018

How will Edtech meet the needs of e-learning in 2018

How will Edtech meet the needs of e-learning in 2018 E-learning in 2018 is about taking the incredible advances in technology and having them augment the personal human aspects of education that can’t be replaced. In language learning, we see “gamification” of apps becoming extremely popular with apps like Duolingo, ChineseSkill, and HelloChinese. This helps[…]