10 Ways to Say Hello in Chinese

10 Ways to Say Hello in Chinese Do you know your Chinese greetings yet? Today we will teach you how to say “hello in Chinese.” Just like English, there are many ways to say this simple phrase. In fact, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 ways to greet people in Mandarin. Each one[…]

celebrities speak Chinese

Which celebrities speak Chinese?

Which celebrities speak Chinese? … and how well? It’s very hot right now to learn Chinese and even celebrities are getting in on it. But which celebrities speak Chinese and which are just faking it? Listen for yourself and see our Chinese teacher‘s review of their language abilities. Maybe your Chinese is even better than[…]

learn mandarin in 5 mins

How to Speak Chinese in 5 Minutes | The Beginners Guide to Chinese

Speak Chinese in 5 Minutes Ok, so we’re writing this blog post “how to speak Chinese in 5 Minutes” only because so many people have searched it. Disclaimer: you can not learn any language in 5 minutes and if you tell someone that you learned Chinese in 5 minutes… they will either laugh at you[…]

Learn to speak Chinese app list from TutorMandarin

The 5 Best Learn to Speak Chinese APPS

What are the best to “learn to speak Chinese apps?” Get out your smartphones, go to the App Store or Google Play and start going through this list on the best learn to speak Chinese apps! In this article, we’ve selected 5 apps that will actually help your speaking Chinese — because they all help[…]