count to 10 in chinese with tutormandarin

How to count to 10 in Chinese?

How to count to 10 in Chinese? Let’s learn how to count to 10 in Chinese today! And what better place to start then numbers 1 through 10? Today we’ll teach out how to pronounce each Chinese number, do the correct hand gesture, and even write out the character itself! First, watch the video below[…]

count to 10 in chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 | Learn to Count to 99 in Chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 Let’s learn how to count in Chinese today. Good news, the numerical system in Chinese language learning is very straightforward and simple! Different from English, it doesn’t require you to count multiples of ten such as twenty, or forty in unique way, and it doesn’t require you to add “-teen” after numbers[…]