count to 10 in chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 | Learn to Count to 99 in Chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 Let’s learn how to count in Chinese today. Good news, the numerical system in Chinese language learning is very straightforward and simple! Different from English, it doesn’t require you to count multiples of ten such as twenty, or forty in unique way, and it doesn’t require you to add “-teen” after numbers[…]

Chinese chengyu

What is a Chengyu? Learning about Chinese idioms

What is a Chengyu? Learning about Chinese Idioms Have you heard the word ‘Chengyu’ before? Do you what is a chengyu? Chinese Chengyu (成语) is a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expression, or simply ‘Chinese idioms’ in Chinese language learning, typically consisting of four characters. It is widely used in Classical Chinese and are still common in[…]

TutorMandarin, Mandarin, Chinese, Learning Chinese, Studying Chinese

Ask Age in Chinese and Other Related Questions

How to ask about age in Chinese? Height? Weight? “How old are you?’ “How tall are you?” “What’s your weight?” These are not just important questions for doctors — but for you! The everyday person! We’ll teach you these questions and more through a few simple conversations in Chinese language learning. Want to get more[…]

travel to china checklist

Air Pollution in China Facts | Better Know Your AQI

Air Pollution in China Facts If you are thinking about traveling or living in mainland China, then you’re probably concerned about pollution. While you’ve undoubtedly heard many horror stories about different types of pollution (water, food, sound), today we will focus primarily on the air quality in China and smog in particular. To give some[…]

how to improve Chinese

How to Improve Chinese Speaking and Listening Skills

How to improve Chinese speaking and listening skills? How to learn Chinese? We think this is an important and often overlooked question. Having started Chinese language learning from scratch later in life… it is very difficult to even understand what “good Chinese” or “correct Chinese” sounds like. A lot of people who decide to learn Chinese[…]

Understanding, learning chinese, mandarin, chinese, studying chinese, tutormandarin

Thank You in Chinese

How to say thank you in Chinese When starting to learn Chinese there are certain necessary phrases you need to learn first. And isn’t it better to start with the polite ones? So we’re going to start with a word second in importance only to ‘Ni Hao!’. A word you will hear frequently throughout your[…]

how to ask name in mandarin

How to Ask Name in Mandarin?

How to ask name in Mandarin? Getting to know someone else isn’t always that simple — especially when it is in another language. Trying to speak even just a few sentences in the native language of a foreigner you want to get to know, always shows your interest and respect to that person. And as we[…]