best online chinese courses

Top 3 Best Online Chinese Courses Template

Top 3 Best Online Chinese Courses Template Time and location are key reasons why most people are turning to free online courses for knowledge and skills. Well, Mandarin learners across the globe are also currently thronging the internet for online Chinese learning courses. If you opt to learn Chinese online, you will not be disappointed[…]

learn chinese quickly

How to Learn Chinese Fast

How to Learn Chinese Fast These days, you will find many misconceptions about studying a language. The different language-leaning advertisements on the market have easily misguided people into believing that it is not possible to study a new language fast. Nobody should fear studying Mandarin Chinese as their second language. Learn Chinese language for beginners[…]

hsk exam prep

How to Prepare for Chinese HSK Exam?

As China is turning into a global superpower, Mandarin language is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. More than 1.3 billion native speakers already make it one of the most influential languages worldwide, but the numbers are yet about to grow. If you are a member of the Chinese learning group, you will probably[…]

Chinese Learners

8 types of Chinese language learners

8 types of Chinese language learners The Chinese language is getting increasingly popular all around the world, and we are witnessing a huge growth in numbers of people learning Mandarin. This is not a surprise given the fact that China is a global superpower and the second largest economy in the world. Its rising influence inspires[…]

most difficult words in Chinese

Hardest Words in Chinese

Hardest Words In Chinese Chinese is spoken by almost 25% of the world population. But, despite its many speakers, Chinese has been labeled by some as the hardest language to learn. Any language that is foreign or is not your mother tongue can always be classified as hard. However, not all foreign languages are complicated[…]

free chinese vocabulary list

A level Chinese vocabulary list

  A level Chinese vocabulary list Ready to learn A LOT of Chinese vocabulary? A large part of learning a new language is just learning the new vocabulary. Chinese vocabulary is no exception. Once you get your pronunciation and tones straightened out, then you’re left with vocabulary and grammar left to do. Today, we’ll give[…]

chinese for beginner

Pinyin for beginners

Pinyin for beginners (Chinese for Beginners) Learning a foreign language has never been a walk in the park and the Chinese language is not exceptional. Learning how to speak fluent Chinese language demands for both commitment and passion especially for those learning it as a second language. Those willing to join this foreign speaker in[…]

Chinese new year for kids and culture

Chinese New Year for Kids

Chinese New Year for kids This holiday is the time for all children to have fun and a time to learn a little bit about Chinese history and tradition. It is probably the only time kids have the opportunity to see a lot of dragon dances, feast, lantern festival, and firecrackers. When is Chinese New[…]

Expressing feelings in Chinese

[Guest Post] Expressing Feelings in Chinese

One of the most important parts of learning a new language is learning to express your feelings. If your native language is English then you will find that there are tons of words you can use to express your emotions. Many of these may translate fairly well if you’re trying to learn some other Indo-European[…]

Which Chinese language is best to learn?

Which Chinese language is best to learn? The best Chinese language is “Pǔtōnghuà” or “Mandarin,” the official language in China. What is Mandarin and why is it the best Chinese language to learn?  Pǔtōnghuà means the “common language” in Mandarin Chinese. Different from English, the dialects in Chinese are mostly not mutually comprehensible. Even though[…]

What the Chinese to learn?

What the Chinese to learn? You may have heard that it is hot to learn Chinese right now. Maybe you’re interested in learning Chinese yourself! But haven’t you heard that there are several types of Chinese? Is Chinese even the correct terms to use? Is it the same as Mandarin? Cantonese? How many varieties are[…]

Chinese words

Cool Chinese Words

Cool Chinese Words While it takes a lot of basic vocabulary to learn Chinese, sometimes you want more than basic… you want… cool. Today we’re going to learn some “cool Chinese words” that will impress your friends and help you talk like you know what you’re talking about. No time to waste, let’s get to[…]